Thomaston Public Library is thrilled to welcome back Anne B. Gass, author, historian, and activist, for a virtual presentation titled Patriotism, War, and Woman Suffrage.
In February 1917 voting rights activists were jubilant when the Maine legislature approved the state’s first ever referendum on woman suffrage. The vote was set for September 10th. But even as Maine suffragists prepared their campaign to convince their men that women deserved the vote the country was preparing to enter the war in Europe. The wave of patriotism that followed the US joining the war collided with women’s efforts- in Maine and nationally- to secure voting rights for women. It also reversed hard-fought gains in greater equality for women and working people. There are some interesting parallels to events happening today. This provocative talk is accompanied by historic slides.
Anne B. Gass is the author of Voting Down the Rose: Florence Brooks Whitehouse and Maine’s Fight for Woman Suffrage, published in 2014. Gass, who is Whitehouse’s great-granddaughter, speaks regularly on Florence Brooks Whitehouse and women’s rights. She serves on the Steering Committee of the Maine Suffrage Centennial Collaborative, on Maine’s Permanent Commission on the Status of Women and as the Maine Coordinator for the National Votes for Women Trail, a project of the National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites.
As a professional Gass has continued her great-grandmother’s activist tradition. She is the founder and principal of ABG Consulting LLC, a small business supporting nonprofits, local and state governments, and foundations in their efforts to help people in need build stable, productive lives. Gass has written over $163 million in successful federal grants since founding her business in 1993, working both in Maine and nationally.
Gass’ talk last year at Thomaston Public Library was exceptionally well received, and the library is delighted to host her again. This World in Your Library presentation is brought to our community through a partnership with the Maine Humanities Council, Margaret Chase Smith Foundation, and Thomaston Public Library. All are welcome to join us on Zoom at at 11 am on July 23 or you can contact the library at (207) 354-2453 or for more information.